Shipping policy

Where will I receive my order?

We deliver all Software orders within 1-2 business hours via Email. All the services related to Software products from Tech Tavern, available at, are delivered via email, so there are no shipping fees. 

What will I receive after purchase?

• The product key/code, valid for 1 PC (or more), with a lifetime validity, including updates. 

• Easy and fast installation instructions. 

• Free support. 

Refunds, returns and exchanges.

If the product key/code you received does not activate or if there are any technical issues, we will gladly assist you in resolving the problem. Please contact us at within 7 days of delivery, providing your order number and a detailed description of the issue. We will address these cases on an individual basis and work towards finding a satisfactory solution. 

What to do if the purchase has not arrived

If you haven’t received your purchase, there’s no need to panic. At Tech Tavern, we are always ready to assist you. Simply contact our customer service team, and we will be immediately available to help. In case you do not receive your email, please remember to check your spam or junk mail folder as well. If you haven’t received your order within 3 days of receiving the shipping confirmation email, please contact us at, providing your name and order number. We will promptly investigate the matter for you.